Resolutions That Don’t Mean Shit

Happy New Year and all that jazz. How are things working out with your New Year Resolutions? Broken them yet? I’m getting a late start because well, I’m not really a New Year resolution person. I never really got the point of waiting until a new year to commit to changing something in your life that was fucked up all year long. Like if you’re fat as fuck in April, why wait until the following January to say “Hey, I’m tired of being fat as shit. I’m going to go to a gym and lose some of this shit.” I mean wouldn’t you want a head start? The only thing that you’re really doing is giving yourself more time to get even fatter as shit and then come January you’ll haveĀ  more weight to lose. Besides, I’m sure the regular gym goers can’t stand to see all the fat asses pouring in to the gym in January.

I say New Year resolutions should be little things that you want to do differently and not shit like quit smoking, or stop cheating on your partner. Let’s be real, none of that shit is going to last anyway. So, I have some pretty random resolutions I’m making that if I happen not to keep, which I’m sure I won’t, it won’t be life altering. But good luck with the getting skinny thing.

1. Do my laundry before it’s spilling out of my hamper onto the floor.

My mother raised me better than that and she’d be appalled at how I let my laundry accumulate.

2. Cook more shit with vegetables in it.

Not for me. I hate them, but the other two people in my household can’t seem to get enough.

3. Be more productive at work. Continue reading