How Do You Know It’s “Real”?

First and foremost, how do you guys feel about “Mr. Nice Watch”? I can’t get with that track. The beat is just…wrong… and that hook is trash. Hov killed it in my opinion and I liked J.Cole’s verses but I wish it was on another beat. That’s just me *shrugs shoulders* anyway…

So last night, as I was driving in a medicine induced daze, I heard the Drake Ft. Rick Ross song “Free Spirit” on the radio, you know the “tatt my name on you girl so I know it’s real” song, and it got me to thinking…

What’s your definition of real? I mean tattooing someone’s name on you is pretty damn serious. I know that there’s always the option of covering it in case something goes wrong but for most people it’s a big deal. I say most people because I’ve seen individuals with more than one name on them and that to me is just saying you don’t give a fuck about life or looking like a fool. It’s like you’re letting that person know that they are a permanent part of your life. No matter what. You carry them with you 24/7/365 every damn where. I know there’s people who say they would never do it but hey, never say never. 

That’s just one way that people say a love is real. Then there’s other things I’ve heard like “You know it’s love when he kisses you in the morning and you have morning breath.” I personally think that it ain’t got shit to do with love and everything to do with him wanting you to take care of that morning wood. I’m just saying.

How about “You know it’s love when he takes care of you when you’re sick and doesn’t care if he gets sick too.” Ok. Let me just say that while it’s all cute nshit if he doesn’t care if you’re sick, if he does care that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t love you. Just means that he doesn’t want to get sick. Here’s how my recent experience with that went:

Me: “Hey.. what’s up”

Him: “Hey….you’re still sick huh? Yea..your sick ass was all close to me last night.” *imitates being pushed off the bed*

Me: *laughs* “My bad. I’m sick. I  was tryna get close nshit. You’re supposed to let me get close so I can feel better.”

Him: “Fuck that. I ain’t tryna get sick. I got shit to do.”

Touche ctfu. I mean, I can’t blame him and while some chicks might have been offended and took it all personal, I was like cool because the last thing I need is two sick people tossing germs around. You don’t get any sick pity from another sick person.   

Everyone has different definitions of “real love”. It could be something small like a kiss at a specific time or something as serious as inking their name on your body. Me personally,besides the tattoo thing, if I touch your feet in any way, shape or form…it’s love. The real fucking deal. Bonafuckingfide. Sounds simple right? It’s not though. Why? I hate feet. Point, blank period. So the act of me touching your feet speaks volumes.

Maybe it’s that you care about that person’s opinion. I agree with this because I care so little about people’s opinion in general. If I value your opinion, and ask for it, then that means something. If you tell me something and I dismiss it then you aren’t special enough for me to give a fuck. I don’t think knowing you really love someone or are in love with someone has to be so deep. It could just be a combination of a lot of little things. It could be that you’re willing to accept things from them that you wouldn’t of others or that you ignore the little shit that makes you mad because you’re looking at the bigger picture. 

Some people say they’ve never been in love. Some say they thought they were but in retrospect they weren’t and it took someone else to show them that. I agree. I don’t believe any young person when they say they’re in love. If you’ve never gone through anything with a person that tested your relationship you might not really know if it’s “real” or not.

So what about you? What’s your defining “this love is real” factor? Is it something small and seemingly mundane? Did you think you were in love once but now realize it was all bullshit? How do you really know it’s “real”? I mean I have my own personal ways that I define it but I’m curious to know how everyone else (assuming you’re in love or ever really were) got to the moment of realization.

Don’t be scared to leave a comment nshit. Sound off…

3 responses

  1. Dang, I’m bout to write a book… Here goes lol well I definitely *thought* I was in love but I thought Love was, wasn’t love at all. Sad to say it took a combination of being drug thru the mudd and then later, being with someone else. Hate to compare people but I def compare my past relationSHIT to my current & I realize love is blind. I loved before but just because I loved him doesn’t make it right, and if it ain’t right, then it ain’t real….. Ok so skipping the gory in between details, real love is lots of things. It’s those defining *details* that let’s each individual get that fuzzy feeling. But from person to person the defining details are different because each person likes different things. For me, I’m def feeling u on the feet thing cause I HATE FEET so if I go remotely near them, Dear God, it must be love!! & pushing the cart while shopping, my man pushes that shit no problem EVERYTIME. Oh yea, I’m inlove lol. But most of all, I know it’s real from the feeling I get inside. Not when he sends me roses, not when he takes me out to eat, not even when he does exactly what I wanna do when I know good & well he doesn’t really want to, but I KNO it’s real from the feeling I get when we cchilling on the couch watching Entourage. He loves that show! Lol I love to see him smile & it feels like a running faucet in between my thighs everytime he hugs & kisses me lol sorry TMI. that’s love!!!

    Love Is real when Love Is respect & both parties respect eachother for who, what, and everything they are, annoying shit n all! Thee end

    Dang, I feel like I wrote a blog! Lol

  2. Pingback: What is love? & Quotes About Love « scenicroadway

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